if (uxd != code) { uxd.push(“html”, “javascript”, “actionscript”); uxd_mgr = “:-)” };

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Title: Why designers should learn to code.
Context: Don’t worry, I’m not heaping more work on you guys. It’s just an interesting opinion. That I happen to share.
Synopsis: The hybrid designer/developer mythical creature is rumored to live in a netherworld of caffeine and Cheetos dust, but they do in fact exist. I’ve seen them. And on nights where the moon is full I sometimes even become one. No, you don’t need to drop everything and lean C++ or Android development but understanding the sensibilities of the programming end of things invariably leads to more effective design solutions. Seriously. This smart guy from NYU says the same thing in this 4 minute video.
Best Bit: “The computer is really a tool for creativity and creation.” “Design in a world of data, there’s lots happening there…If you think about information design and how you can effectively tell a story using data…”

via vimeo.com

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