I’m Mark, and this is my website. Well, one of my websites. I seem to have more of these things than I really need. Or that most people care to visit. Yet here we are.

This particular place started years ago as a collection of links I would share with the design teams I managed. It was initially called “Link Of The Every Other Day Or So” (LOTEODOS for short). I would collect articles and blog posts that I found relevant and/or interesting related to user experience, technology, or design and email them to my coworkers. Over time, people moved on to other companies yet still asked me to share my semi-regular link emails with them. Managing a constantly evolving email list became more work than I was willing to invest, so I moved my link sharing online to this site. Much, much less work that way /s.

I eventually grew out of the link-sharing business, and the site languished for a few years, untended and unloved, but recently I’ve felt the need to spend more time cultivating my design thinking and have plans to restart my sharing of interesting tidbits but perhaps less focused on link-sharing exclusively. We’ll see.

Anyway, enjoy and drop me a line at mark@areuxperienced.me if you are so inclined. It’s always nice to know you’re not just yelling into the void.