#ux iota: Every consider friending your house on Facebook? You just might one day soon.
Forget about the internet of everything, are you ready for the social network of everything? via youtube.com
Forget about the internet of everything, are you ready for the social network of everything? via youtube.com
Title: The Astounding World of the Future Context: You can’t predict the future, you can only make it. And according to this vision, we’ve certainly made “something” of our future… Synopsis: Ever see one of those olde tyme newsreels that … Continued
The world’s most typical person is not typically who you’d expect. via youtube.com
Have 4:16 to spare? If you don’t then this video is most assuredly for you. via youtube.com
Never let an inability to draw prevent you from drawing something cool. via youtube.com
Title: Failure: The Secret to Success Context: Success does not happen without failure. Period. Synopsis: If you can’t learn from your mistakes, you can’t learn. If you are afraid of making mistakes, you can’t succeed. One of the better corporate … Continued
Why even bother showing up to work when you can just have your robot avatar do it for you? via youtube.com
Title: Touching, waving at and talking to the future with Microsoft Context: Microsoft is making cool stuff too? Who knew? Synopsis: A whirlwind (PR fluff/news report) tour of Microsoft’s skunkworks where they are building lots of things that use gestural … Continued
Conor Houghton, the genius behind Ignite Dublin brought this to Ignite Dublin #6 last night. I wonder if you can use this to make a copy of itself? via youtube.com
Title: The ROI of User Experience Context: How much money can good UX design make your company? A bazillion-trillion-quadrillion dollars*! (*Estimate only. Your results may vary.) Synopsis: Why keep us UX people around? If you mean besides our dashing good … Continued
Title: ILUVUXDESIGN Context: It’s like a commercial just for us. Synopsis: Quick and cuddly animation that should make you happy to be a UX designer. As if you weren’t already. I’ll be showing this to my parents in the hope … Continued
Title: Microsoft’s Vision of the Future Context: Be careful what you wish for in the future. You just might get it. Synopsis: What might the future look like? Who the hell knows? It’s impossible to predict but that doesn’t stop … Continued
Title: Product Testing Institute – Models Context: Yup. These are your users. Synopsis: Sometimes it is hard to account for the wide range of user abilities for which we have to account. This disparity in techni…technolo…tenchol…tech-savvitudeness makes our jobs even … Continued
Title: ABC Nightline – IDEO Shopping Cart Context: What the redesign process of an everyday object can – and probably should – look like. Synopsis: This Nightline special must be over a decade old but it is still relevant from … Continued
Title: Why work doesn’t happen at work Context: Great TEDx talk by Jason Fried, co-founder of 37signals who explains why “work” the place and “work” the set of tasks we get paid to accomplish are sometimes mutually exclusive. Synopsis: Want … Continued