Design taxonomy

Can you define “design”? No? OK, can you define “taxonomy”? Still no? Then do I have an article for you!

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Title: A Common Design Taxonomy
Context: Need a model to use when scoping the necessary design impact required for a given problem? “Common Design Taxonomy” to the rescue!
Synopsis: What is design? Had to think about that for a minute right? Because design is lots of things. It’s also lots of things to lots of different people. It is both a catch-all and a specific. It encompasses a wide variety of disciplines yet remains a singular nomenclature. Frankly, it’s pretty hard to pin down, which causes no shortage of problems when trying to communicate its ambition and value to those who would have a conflicting opinion of what it is meant to represent. Clarity suffers when the word “design” is used indiscriminately. It is time for a more rigorous framework within which to communicate the many levels of design intent. Getting everyone to agree on what design is may not be possible, but we can – and indeed must – work to reach a consensus on the type of design that is required to solve a given problem.
Best Bit: “On a good day, design can saves lives; on a bad day, it pins personal tastes against each other.”


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