
Man up fellow designers! And woman up. Man or woman up. Whichever works for you.

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Title: The Pastry Box Project
Context: Design does not happen in a vacuum. Unless you are designing with a bunch of other people in outer space, then it does.
Synopsis: Designers are invariably part of a team, collaborating with other people to work together in order to come up with the best possible outcome. At which time the designer will usually start complaining about all the “good stuff” he/she wasn’t able to do due to the apathy and close-mindedness of the people they are forced to work with. Well boo-boo, Mr. or Ms. designer. Suck it up. Prima donnas don’t succeed in the design world (except for all of the famous ones who do, but forget about them for now). No, design is more than just constructing sound schemas for other people to blindly build for you. A good–nay, great–designer, is also a salesman/saleswoman, consensus builder, teammate, and–most importantly–beer drinking companion. Although that last one may be a bit of a personal preference on my behalf.
Best Bit: “Some of the best design work I’ve ever done was drinking coffee or beers with engineers, marketing people, and business development hustlers.”


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