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What will 2014 hold for the designer vs developer sibling rivalry? More bitching and moaning apparently.

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Title: UX designer or developer: Who will be king in 2014?
Context: Nothing like the festive season of brotherly love to discuss who is going to get their butt kicked in the new year.
Synopsis: Designers or developers? C’mon, pick one. You can only have one. Every contest must have a winner and software development is certainly no different. What’s that you say? You want to know why one has to win and the other lose? Well, because it would be so boring if we used true collaboration and process optimization instead of a perennial beauty contest to decide how our products are going to get built-in the coming year. Now technology is going to automate our user experiences apparently. I guess the fact that anyone with a copy of any decent design software can effectively export a fully functional web app without knowing a single line of code doesn’t count? Ah who cares. Wake me in 2015…
Best Bit: “The user experience will modify over time of day and of duration of usage – not because the design changes, but because the apps software learns our behaviour and will adapt dynamically.”


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