Some people look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and say “protoype it”!

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Title: MIT Creates Amazing UI From Levitating Orbs
Context: When we talk about the future of the UI, let’s stop being so modest in our assumptions.
Synopsis: Some brainbox dude from MIT has built a brain-melting prototype of a tactile 3d user interface using motors, cameras, electromagnets and steel balls. But that’s not what I want to talk about (even though it is super-cool and you should definitely check out the video). No, I want to talk about prototyping. Everyone has great ideas, and unfortunately that’s exactly what they usually remain: ideas. This mostly happens because the effort involved in realizing these ideas are often perceived as insurmountable. The words “can’t” and “impossible” are often thrown around as justification for leaving a promising notion on the drawing board. And while it may be true that manifesting the actual concept into full-bore reality is not possible, more often than not we can prototype it – or at least part of it – or at least a simplified version of it – or at least a smoke and mirrors rendition of it. Rather than spending a single iota of time thinking about why things cannot be, we would be much better served by building what we can and using that as a stepping stone to making those things of which we dream.
Best Bit: “I think it is important for all of us to reflect on what our essence is, and discuss what kind of world we would like to live in as a human. Asking ‘what if’ questions and prototyping such futures can bring the future a bit closer.”


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