Stage fright

You can’t just talk the talk. But it sure does help if you can do it real, real good.

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Title: Delivering the Speech of Your Life
Context: Sure you could just try to imagine your audience naked. If you’re some kind of pervert.
Synopsis: You need to be able to convince people that your ideas are sound and worth consideration. Period. This is not just a user experience requirement, everybody should have this skill. We probably just need to use it more than most other people. In order to do this effectively you need to be able to confidently and convincingly speak in public. Or at least in front of a good sized room full of people, many of whom you don’t know, many of whom may be more senior than you, many of whom may have no understanding of the topic on which you are about to communicate. None of this can phase you (at least outwardly). The most valuable thing that you need to bring to the table in these instances is an intimate level of comfort with the subject matter. Preparation is more important than confidence.
Best Bit: “When the speech is over, what do you want the audience saying about it and you? What difference do you want to make?”


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