You want your product to work well with other companies’ products? I find your naiveté amusing.

posted in: software | 0

Title: The Edges Context: It’s all fun and games until your user experience runs into someone else’s user experience. Synopsis: You spend months crafting your product’s user experience. You consider every detail. Sweat over each pixel. Obsess over all of … Continued

Click here to learn more about why only losers put “Click here to learn more” as the call-to-action on buttons.

posted in: UI | 0

Title: The Grammar of Interactivity Context: Wording on buttons is very often a hot button issue. (Get it?) Synopsis: “Update your details.” “Check my messages.” “Use our help system to figure out why you can’t figure out what to do.” … Continued

You can lead your company to design, but that probably won’t make it make products that don’t suck.

posted in: culture | 0

Title: Why Airbnb’s New Head of Design Believes ‘Design-Led’ Companies Don’t Work Context: It’s not who’s leading the culture of your organization that matters, it’s who is being led that makes the difference. Synopsis: The engineers have had their shot … Continued