That design is bad! (Not “bad” meaning “bad” but “bad” meaning “good”!)

posted in: design | 0

Title: Unpleasant Design & Hostile Urban Architecture Context: When bad experience equals good design. Synopsis: Most design should be devoted to making people’s lives intentionally better. No, that’s not a misprint. I purposefully did not use the opening phrase “All … Continued

You can lead a stakeholder to change, but you can’t make him drink, but you can probably make him change.

posted in: process | 0

Title: How IDEO Designers Persuade Companies to Accept Change Context: Having trouble designing for someone? Try designing with them instead. Synopsis: The job of a designer is hardly limited to the act of designing. Especially when working for — and … Continued

Creative generalist? More like “Creative Full-of-crap-alist”.

posted in: miscellanea | 0

Title: Domain Specificity of Creativity: Theory, Research, and Practice Context: Creativity does not succeed without expertise. It’s just science. Synopsis: From the time we are young, individuals are categorized. He’s a good athlete. She’s smart. Those guys over there eating … Continued