Pretty soon “usability” won’t be enough. We are going to have to start considering “robotability” as well.

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Title: Why These German Researchers Became Self-Driving Cars Context: Design empathy isn’t just for users anymore. Synopsis: As designers, we constantly fret over the conditions within which our end users must operate. We often go to great lengths to put … Continued

6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other. Multivariate testing proves users prefer “6 of one”.

posted in: process | 0

Title: The Surprising Power of Online Experiments Context: If at first your design doesn’t succeed, multivariate test it against a control option. Synopsis: We’ll never admit it in polite company, but the truth is that a fair amount of the … Continued

#ux iota: Forget typing in, just dial 1-800-GOOGLE instead.

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Title: Copenhagen students design rotary phone that can literally dial up the internet Context: This is your grandparent’s internet. Synopsis: Not all of us (or even most of us) may recall the pre-information age where communication was still very analog. … Continued

If a chatbot talks online and no one is there to see the output does it still invariably say something stupid?

posted in: communication | 0

Title: Why chatbots fail Context: Chatbots are the new hotness. Or as a chatbot might say: “Can you rephrase that? I didn’t understand what you meant.” Synopsis: Everybody and their natural language processing framework wants to build a chatbot these … Continued

When it comes to designing for accessibility you are only damned if you don’t.

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Title: Dos and don’ts on designing for accessibility Context: If only there were some clear and simple accessibility design guidelines in poster form. Problem. Solved. Synopsis: Most designers worth their salt know the basics of how to design accessible web … Continued