You’re holding a piece of glass and swiping unintelligible blocks of data around on it so you must be from the future.
Title: A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design Context: Everyone has a vision of the future. The crap part about them is that most of them were only visionary 2 visions ago. Synopsis: Your iPad is pretty cool … Continued
I’ve got 99 problems and usability is about 98 of them.
Title: How to prioritise usability problems Context: Problematic problems can be problematic to solve. Probably. Synopsis: Good luck trying to make something without any usability issues. It’s probably not even possible. So we shouldn’t be so concerned with the existence … Continued
I find your lack of faith in the value of honest user experience design to be disturbing.
Title: The Dark Side of Design Context: Design can be used for evil as well as for good. Choose your path wisely. Synopsis: I’ve been tempted to cross over to the dark side of design a few times in my … Continued
#ux iota: Online shopping hates you.
Don’t make it hard for your customers to give you their money. Idiot. via
You need a license to drive a car but any damn fool is allowed to create iconography.
Title: 9 Rules to Make Your Icons Clear and Intuitive Context: Put down the pirated copy of Photoshop and step away from the iconography. Synopsis: Icons are easy. All you need to do is to make a little picture of … Continued
Strong UX leadership is great organizational UX. How meta is that?
Title: On UX Leadership Context: Your organization’s user experience teams are only as effective as the people who lead them. Synopsis: Probably the biggest gap in most organizations’ user experience teams is quality leadership. Talent can exist in spades. Research, … Continued
#ux iota: Senseless drawing bot draws senselessly.
The artistic process remains a mystery. Or a series of randomized variables and algorithms for our robotic friends. via
The cubicles and bland decor will continue until motivation around here improves.
Title: What Good Design Can Teach Us About Motivation Context: How’s that cubicle in the room with gray walls helping your creativity? Synopsis: Is your work environment enhancing your creativity? For most people the answer is sadly, “no”. The old … Continued
If a tree is designed in the forest, does it still have a good user experience?
Title: The Invisible Side of Design Context: Design should never be about the designer. It is always about the user. Synopsis: The best designs do not even exist for users. Which is exactly why it is so damn hard to … Continued
Of all the “Top 10 List” blog posts about UX design, this one is definitely #3
Title: The 10 principles of interaction design Context: When it comes to great user experience in blog posts, it is tough to beat a top 10 list. Synopsis: Who doesn’t love reducing their chosen calling to a list of 10 … Continued
“Once upon a time I made something. I want money. The End.” Now buy my product.
Title: Why We Need Storytellers at the Heart of Product Development Context: There are not enough good storytellers in the world. And certainly not in the business world. Synopsis: It was a dark and stormy night…Well, not really. Or maybe … Continued
#ux iota: My advice for designers? Check out this kick-ass “Advice for designers” infographic.
2 things designers are never short on: advice and ability to ignore advice. via
So you’re a user experience designer? That’s nice…So what exactly do you do again?
Title: 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design Context: There’s only 10?!?! Synopsis: I once tried to explain to my parents what my job is. Suffice it to say that when they are now asked what their eldest son … Continued
The user experience of user experience teams.
Title: Designing the Right Team for UX : An Art and a Science Context: Hey! I’m on a user experience team! What a coincidence! Synopsis: There’s more to designing a good user experience than just putting a bunch of designers … Continued
Which came first? The UX or the UI?
Title: UX and UI, Chicken and Egg Context: Wait for the next installment, when we discover that the reason the chicken crossed the road was to refactor its UI. Synopsis: While this short video includes some questionable Latin translations it … Continued