#ux iota: Online shopping hates you.
Don’t make it hard for your customers to give you their money. Idiot. via youtube.com
Don’t make it hard for your customers to give you their money. Idiot. via youtube.com
Title: 9 Rules to Make Your Icons Clear and Intuitive Context: Put down the pirated copy of Photoshop and step away from the iconography. Synopsis: Icons are easy. All you need to do is to make a little picture of … Continued
Title: On UX Leadership Context: Your organization’s user experience teams are only as effective as the people who lead them. Synopsis: Probably the biggest gap in most organizations’ user experience teams is quality leadership. Talent can exist in spades. Research, … Continued
The artistic process remains a mystery. Or a series of randomized variables and algorithms for our robotic friends. via vimeo.com
Title: What Good Design Can Teach Us About Motivation Context: How’s that cubicle in the room with gray walls helping your creativity? Synopsis: Is your work environment enhancing your creativity? For most people the answer is sadly, “no”. The old … Continued
Title: The Invisible Side of Design Context: Design should never be about the designer. It is always about the user. Synopsis: The best designs do not even exist for users. Which is exactly why it is so damn hard to … Continued
Title: The 10 principles of interaction design Context: When it comes to great user experience in blog posts, it is tough to beat a top 10 list. Synopsis: Who doesn’t love reducing their chosen calling to a list of 10 … Continued
Title: Why We Need Storytellers at the Heart of Product Development Context: There are not enough good storytellers in the world. And certainly not in the business world. Synopsis: It was a dark and stormy night…Well, not really. Or maybe … Continued
2 things designers are never short on: advice and ability to ignore advice. via 52-infographics.blogspot.com
Title: 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design Context: There’s only 10?!?! Synopsis: I once tried to explain to my parents what my job is. Suffice it to say that when they are now asked what their eldest son … Continued
Title: Designing the Right Team for UX : An Art and a Science Context: Hey! I’m on a user experience team! What a coincidence! Synopsis: There’s more to designing a good user experience than just putting a bunch of designers … Continued
Title: UX and UI, Chicken and Egg Context: Wait for the next installment, when we discover that the reason the chicken crossed the road was to refactor its UI. Synopsis: While this short video includes some questionable Latin translations it … Continued
Designing across all of the different platforms is hard. Guidelines make it easy(er). via usabilitygeek.com
Title: Why We Sketch Context: A picture is worth a thousand words which should be reason enough to sharpen your sketching pencils. Synopsis: I knew an elementary school teacher once who told me “The problem with adults is that we … Continued
Title: Can Anybody Be a Designer? Context: They call us designers, which is why we get paid the big bucks.* But can anyone really do what we do? Synopsis: “Oh, you’re a designer? So you like draw stuff, right?” Most … Continued