Title: The Rise of the UX Torturer
Context: Why ask users to pay for a better user experience when it’s easier to design one so bad they’ll be willing to pay you to not have to deal with it?
Synopsis: You might just be naive enough to think that your job as a user experience designer is all about creating great, delightful, amazing experiences for your customers. Ha! You fool! Sure, it would be great if we could just design all of these wonderful experiences and users would just throw money at us for doing so. But really, how often does that happen? No, it is so much easier to intentionally render intrinsic parts of your otherwise superlative workflow almost unusable until such time as the end user agrees to pay the ransom with which he is being blackmailed to stop the pain. Now excuse me while I laugh maniacally and twist the end of my mustache with debauched abandon…Bwahahahahahah!!!!!
Best Bit: “Whereas the typical UX Designer is a one-trick pony who can only improve the user experience, the UX Torturer specializes in degrading the user experience to maximize profit.”
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