“Draw” your own conclusions. (See what I did there?)
Title: WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM Context: Hand drawn, stream of consciousness, 4 minute video answers an age old question. Synopsis: Good ideas are rarely “Eureka!” moments. Much more important are the connections that we make and our ability to … Continued
What do you expect? It’s UX.
Title: Realistic expectations for enterprise user experience Context: Business owners, IT and UX: can’t we all just get along? Synopsis: Adobe Enterprise UX dude talks about how to get the user back at the center of enterprise product development. Not … Continued
Sometimes, reality sucks.
Title: Realism in UI Design Context: How realistic should that icon look? Synopsis: Many UI elements are abstractions of familiar concepts that allow users to project their own context on while remaining universal enough to be functional across individuals, demographics … Continued
Stop arguing over semantics.
Title: WTF Is The Semantic Web? Context: Nice infographic that does a pretty good job of explaining an otherwise dense topic. Synopsis: I know there’s been quite a bit of talk around these parts about the power of the semantic … Continued
Draw by hand. With a computer.
Title: Sqetch, an Illustrator Wireframe Toolkit Context: Super cool vector UI templates with a slick hand-drawn feel. Synopsis: If you are looking to give your next wireframe presentation a bit of extra “oomph” (not that any of you guys need … Continued
Are you experienced?
Title: A chat with Microsoft Principal Researcher Bill Buxton Context: UI big-wig at Microsoft talks ground breaking technology from ancient digital watch touchscreens to Xbox 360 controllers to Surface tables. Synopsis: The first part deals with the back stories of … Continued
User experience design: It takes all kinds.
Title: Design With Intent. How designers can influence behavior. Context: VP of frog design blogs and name drops regarding the future of user centered design. Synopsis: User centered design is so yesterday’s news. Today we are engaging in persuasion design, … Continued