If you are at work while your family sits at home wondering when you will get there, you need to watch this right now.
Title: Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work Context: If your job is the most important thing in your life, you need to seriously reexamine your life. Synopsis: We work hard. And we should be proud of that. We … Continued
If quantifying creativity is wrong, the guy who made this presentation doesn’t want to be right.
Title: How to Create More Better Different Context: Creativity is a process, which means it can be analyzed and understood. Contrary to popular opinion. Synopsis: The creative genius cannot be understood. He/she is far too complex. He/she operates on a … Continued
Jack of one trade. Master of nothing.
Title: What Makes a Good Designer Context: Design is a discipline, not a specialty. Synopsis: Are you an iPhone app designer? A WordPress designer? An email designer? If you answered yes to any of those questions, good luck staying employed. … Continued
#ux iota: Are you a designer? Here’s a list of 50 things you should know.
Intended for graphic design students, but some nuggets of wisdom for any type of designer at any stage of their career. via jamiewieck.com
User experience is all about fun and games. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
Title: The Elements of Player Experience Context: Life is a game. So let’s start designing products that allow us to play games all day long. No, no, not Farmville… Synopsis: There is a growing trend across many HCI disciplines to … Continued
#ux iota: If you have time to come up with new features, you have too much free time.
Who has time to come up with new features what with all the old crappy ones that need to be fixed? via dilbert.com
Creativity is a hard and thankless job. Now get back to work, you only have 3 hours to finish this design.
Title: Protecting Your Creativity in a Culture that Doesn’t Value It Context: Let me say this right off the bat: I value your creativity. Big time. No matter what all those other people say about you. (C’mon. These are jokes … Continued
Form follows function isn’t just a good idea, it’s the law. Well, at least it should be.
Title: Designing from the Inside-Out: Behaviour as the Engine of Product Design Context: What does your product look like? Just kidding, no one cares. How your product works is what matters. Synopsis: Nice presentation that asks designers to forget about … Continued
Interaction design: The new Bauhaus or more of the same old stuff with different Photoshop filters?
Title: The “IxD Bauhaus” – what happens next? Context: Ornamentation in architecture is criminal says the Bauhaus. Perhaps the same thing is true for interaction design. Synopsis: Interesting polemic that draws several parallels between the current evolution of interaction design … Continued
Innovation is not an action item and it rarely comes labelled with a price tag.
Title: The Seven Deadly Sins of Innovation Context: The barriers to innovation are obvious. Overcoming them? Not so much. Synopsis: IDEO honcho talks about what prevents true innovation from happening in the workplace. There’s nothing here that’s shocking. Heck, there’s … Continued
Your users are S.T.U.P.I.D. It’s your job to make them S.M.A.R.T.
Title: Are your users S.T.U.P.I.D? How good design can make users effective Context: The quickest way to make users hate your product is to make them feel dumb when they use it. Synopsis: The quality of the acronyms in this … Continued
#ux iota: When encouraging user behavior, always remember: words matter.
Language is still one of the most emotive parts of user experience design. Use it wisely. via youtube.com
#ux iota: Your brand is not what you say it is. Not what your users say it is. It’s what you allow users to do.
The user experience of your product informs customers about the power of your brand even more than your advertising. via slideshare.net
If you’re not spending your Sunday looking for inspiration, don’t bother coming in to work on Monday.
Title: The 5% Creativity Challenge Context: If you can’t spend 2 hours a week thinking about ways to be more creative at work then what’s the freaking point really? Synopsis: Innovate! More inventive solutions! Increased creativity! We get this a … Continued
And I’d have gotten away with my design too if it hadn’t a been for you lousy kids!
Title: 10 Ways to Be Creative Like a Kid Context: You’re as old as you feel. Same goes for your designs. Synopsis: My wife always tells people that she has 4 kids: our 3 children and me. I take tremendous … Continued