How do you get to the um…well..whatever the user experience equivalent of Carnegie Hall is? Practice, practice, practice.
Title: Developing a UX Practice of Practicing Context: There is more than one way to improve your user experience skills. Actually no there isn’t. Get to practicing. Synopsis: Everyone who is really, really good at what they do practices. But … Continued
User experience design: It’s all in your users’ heads.
Title: The Psychologist’s View of UX Design Context: A head shrink tells you what’s going on in the heads of people using the devices we are trying to shrink. Synopsis: User experience designers and psychologists share a fascination with the … Continued
UX designer: To thine ownself be true.
Title: Creating a Marketing Strategy for Your UX Skills Context: In order to effectively influence other people’s perception of us we must be conscious of how we present ourselves to the world. Synopsis: What are your strengths as a user … Continued
Great UX in your product requires more than just a great UX team.
Title: Building Industrial Strength User Experience Context: It’s probably around 10% of your budget, but you might want to get more than 10% of your people on board with it. Synopsis: So the conventional wisdom for building an effective user … Continued
Other peoples’ ideas don’t automatically suck? Who knew?
Title: Who Is on the UX Team? Context: Great user experience comes from more than just user experience designers. Synopsis: It is easy for UX teams to become territorial about their jobs. I mean everybody is always giving us their … Continued
#ux iota: Don’t take notes. Draw them.
Teaching kids to take notes in school would be so much more effective if we taught them to take sketchnotes instead. via
You need to give me 10 brilliantly creative ideas by the end of the day. Why are you looking at me like that?
Title: Want Creative Workers? Loosen the Reins, Boss Context: Creativity and productivity are hard to schedule between meetings. Synopsis: Guess what? Deadlines and rigid scheduling of deliverables for knowledge workers responsible for developing and building “innovative” solutions to complex problems … Continued
User experience: If you don’t know, you’d better ask somebody.
Title: I don’t care about User Experience Context: Things I don’t miss: Being met with blank stares while answering the question “So what exactly is it that you guys do?” Synopsis: We are no longer strange, mystical beings that people … Continued
#ux iota: You want a paper prototype? You can’t handle a paper prototype!
The art of paper prototyping. Lo fidelity, high reward. via
The only thing new in the world (of UX) is the history you don’t know.
Title: Understanding Our Interaction Design History Context: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And yes that includes you too UX designers. Synopsis: In the grand scheme of things (digital) user experience design is a mere … Continued
#ux iota: Data driven UI? How about data defined UI instead.
As NUIs allow us to shed the traditional controls of GUI interaction models, what informs the arrangement and design of the next generation of software? How about the data itself? via
If you want to make people see your point, make them laugh.
Title: How to stand out in any niche using humor Context: Selling your ideas can be serious business. But if you want to make it more fun, bring the funny. Synopsis: This post is mostly about using humor in blogging … Continued
If being right is wrong then I don’t want to be right. Or wrong. Either. Forget it.
Title: Why being wrong is good for you Context: Show me a person who is never wrong, and I’ll show you someone who will bore the crap out of you. Synopsis: Nobody likes being wrong because, by definition, that means … Continued
#ux iota: Your crappy presentations are making you poor.
If you can’t sell an idea don’t be surprised when no one wants to buy it. via
Iconography is easy. Iconography that people can understand is hard.
Title: Usability in Icons Context: The successful icon is in the details. Synopsis: How should we choose which icon to use for representing a user action? Who cares, right? Icon-shmicon. Put a little picture up there and eventually after the … Continued