Technology without design would be a mistake.

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Title: Disruptions: Design Rivals Technology in Importance
Context: Design is the new killer app.
Synopsis: Quick, what kind of processor does the device you are reading this on have? I bet you don’t know any more than I know what processor is running the machine I am writing this on. But that used to not be the case. Scouring technical specifications was considered de rigueur for anyone purchasing a new piece of technology. Sure some people still swear by megahertz and gigs and ohms but for most of us, those things just are and play almost no role in fueling our desire for the latest gadget. But how it looks, works and feels? Oh hell yes that matters! And while a poorly engineered gizmo is as unforgivable now as it ever was, the new stock in trade is design and user experience defines the essence of product differentiation.
Best Bit: “Now that we have enough technology to do anything, design can now begin to be better than the technology itself.”


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