It’s all fun and games until someone designs the user experience.

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Title: Designing with the Elements of Play
Context: User experience is a game and whomever leaves with the most points wins.
Synopsis: Work can’t possibly be fun, right? Play isn’t productive, correct? Wrong on both counts. The fact that it took most of us this long to realize that the best way to get people to do things is through the positive feedback loops found within humor, fun and games must have Pavlov rolling over in his grave. Or at least salivating in his grave. We should know better, yet to most people, user experience is serious business. This is mission critical, enterprise level, productivity collaboration blah, blah, blah. So next time you need to get your users to perform a task, try making them enjoy it. They just might never stop doing it.
Best Bit: “They now have a chance to redeem [geek points] for some of the site’s eclectic products, such as the 325-point Japanese Lucky Gold Poo (‘Because everyone knows poo is lucky, especially when it’s golden.’) and the 400-point Bacon Salt.”


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