Offline Twitter

Be conscious that users don’t spend all of their lives online. I mean, they have to sleep sometime.

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Title: UX IRL: Syncing the Online and Offline Experience
Context: Just because you use something online doesn’t mean you still don’t live in the offline world.
Synopsis: Ah, the digital world. Cyberspace. Online communities. We love to locopomorphicize our online destinations for many reasons I imagine, with the most plausible one being the sense of familiarity one gets from using the real world as the mental template upon which to map our virtual experiences. Yet we so rarely work in the opposite direction. It would seem to make perfect sense if we were to consider the “soft” experiences we design for people on devices to extend themselves into the real world where the most tangibly meaningful parts of our lives (still, hopefully) occur. It is important to remember that our cognitive continuum stretches across the pixel/molecule divide, so perhaps the experiences we create should as well.
Best Bit: “When all the correspondence, designing, thinking, sketching — the entirety of the creative process — happens in bits, we lose a connection.”


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