Title: The Myths of the Overworked Creative
Context: Our energy is a finite resource that requires renewal or you will go into debt. So stop spending what you don’t have.
Synopsis: Fact: we suck at taking care of our internal creative energies. We hammer away at them ruthlessly, eroding our ability to be and behave creatively because we think that we can and must enforce constant activity within our professional lives otherwise we will fall hopelessly behind. Even worse, we convince ourselves that this is the right way to behave, that if we aren’t running ourselves into the ground, we aren’t doing our jobs correctly. We utilize technologies that we hope will make our lives easier but instead narcotically sap our attention and drain our efficiency. This must stop. The creative center cannot hold. Frankly it is simply exhausted. You must build time into your day to renew yourself. You must replenish your creative drive regularly. You must sleep longer than you currently do. I say it is incumbent on all of us to be more realistic about what we are capable of and dedicate ourselves to practicing renewal with as much fire as we put into the time we spend engaged in work related activities. Now, go and take a nap. That’s an order.
Best Bit: “I try to keep my coffee buzz going until the martini buzz kicks in.”
via vimeo.com
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