Title: From Design To iOS7 Prototype
Context: Hack your way to iOS7 mastery in a single day!
Synopsis: How would you go about learning how to design for a new operating system? Read spec documentation? Style sheets? GUI guidelines? How about sucking it up, and designing a native app right out of the box? Oh, and give yourself a single day to do it for double difficulty points. A baptism by fire, or in the case of iOS7; a baptism by pastel color palettes, flat iconography, and highly legible thin fonts. Maybe there’s nothing too earth shattering here about process, or collaboration, or problem solving, but taking on a brand new platform while simultaneously delivering a clever little product takes both talent and moxie. Sometimes we intellectualize things too much, when in reality, the path to understanding is also the path blazed by actually doing.
Best Bit: “Our goal was to allow any person to chat with people nearby in less than 5 seconds after they download the App.”
via medium.com
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