Title: Stop Doing the Thing that Makes You Powerless
Context: You don’t need anyone’s permission to read this article. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t be asking for anyone’s permission for a whole lot of what you do.
Synopsis: Seeking permission is very often a waste of time. Sure there are things that you absolutely need approval for (try taking a week off without telling anyone and see what happens). But otherwise seeking permission in order to complete tasks for which you have been hired to do seems counterintuitive. The negotiation of permission slows you down, especially in organizations that are very hierarchical, because if no one is willing to just do something rather than seek permission first then that initial request for approval needs to run up and down the food chain before you can get your green light. That would suck, huh? Instead, do what you know is right. And by all means build consensus (which is much, much different from approval) but don’t handcuff yourself to antiquated notions about org charts and reporting structures that run counter to the modern “speed of business” that separates the innovators from the also-rans.
Best Bit: “Don’t ask for Permission. Individuals must run fast and furiously with their innovative ideas. Those waiting for someone else’s approval will be left behind.”
via 4ormat.com
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