Title: 12 Fascinating Projects From the Bleeding Edge of Interaction Design
Context: The future of interaction design looks…a little bonkers actually.
Synopsis: What does the future hold for interaction design? A little bit cool, a little bit crazy, and a whole lot of personalized “get it the way you want it” experiences. As the tools for building interfaces become more ubiquitous, the challenge for interaction designers will shift from constructing intuitive UI’s towards developing the instrumentation for allowing bespoke interface development. Personalization will move away from surface details controlled by knobs and sliders to custom frameworks that grow and learn as they are used over time. Don’t like your current interface? Print a new one. Call it DIY-UI, and once people have the means with which to do it themselves, you’d better believe that’s exactly what they will attempt to do.
Best Bit: “These projects aren’t just next year’s technology—they’re next decade’s.”
via gizmodo.com
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