The Next Feature Fallacy: the most tragic curve in tech

The road to hell is paved with new features.

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Title: The Next Feature Fallacy: The fallacy that the next new feature will suddenly make people use your product
Context: “C’mon man! just one more hit…” —Junkies and people arguing for more features in your software
Synopsis: There is only one reason why people buy the software you make. It is obvious, and indisputable. Everyone knows why. Even you (though you may be loath to admit it). Features. Quite simply, your product has the features that they want—nay; need! And if you only give them more features their affection will grow proportionally. What’s better, the people who don’t currently love you will turn their hearts once they see that brand spanking new feature you just added. “Oh thank you!” they will say, “this brand spanking new feature has turned my heart.” Complexity? C’mon. Bloat? Bah. Usability? You’re just trying to make me angry. Yes, features. If you’re not adding more features constantly, you must want people to keep hating your product.
Best Bit: “It’s a good rule of thumb that the best features often focus mostly on non-users and casual users, with the reason that there’s simply many more of them.”


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