Title: UX Leadership, Part 1: The Nature of Great Leaders & UX Leadership, Part 2: What Great Leaders Must Do
Context: Leadership is not just for people leaders. Leaders change the status quo. The smart ones follow these people of their own volition, not because they are told to.
Synopsis: Many designers aspire to positions of leadership. Historically, design sensibility has not been perceived as a contributing factor to the development of successful leaders within a business context. On the contrary, it is often viewed as a “soft skill”, incompatible with the steely resolve that true organizational leadership has traditionally been founded upon. This is of course absolute hogwash. The market is currently in the process of demolishing this groundless prejudice as more and more business succeed—or indeed fail—based on the level of design integration within their leadership ranks. And to be perfectly frank, one of the most important leadership qualities in a world that evolves as rapidly as ours does, is creativity; the one thing designers have in spades. So do not shirk from the responsibilities of leadership my fellow designers, embrace it and let us reinvent leadership the way we do everything else we put our minds to.
Best Bit: “Every UX professional must learn to be an effective leader—especially as we scale User Experience throughout our organizations.”
via Part 1: uxmatters.com & Part 2: uxmatters.com
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