Title: Is There a Formula for Delight?
Context: “Delight” is the newest UX buzzword. And the buzzing is deafening.
Synopsis: We’ve all said it. It’s the latest in a long string of expletives we use in order to vaguely—but passionately!—declare our intent to make something really cool, that user will love, and constantly use, because they won’t possibly be able to resist all of the damn delight we are going to pack into whatever it is we are making to delight them. Now let me temper my sarcasm for a brief moment to agree—passionately!—that we in general do not do enough to delight the people that we are designing for. We have requirements, and business objectives, and stakeholders with specific expectations, all of which are not always aligned with the idea of end-user delight. Needless to say no one will ever come out and say that. You will instead hear something along the lines of “I can’t wait to see how you translate this 293 page feature backlog into a delightful user experience” which of course makes your job as a designer anything but delightful.
Best Bit: “We hear a lot about minimum viable product, but I think the conversation should be around minimum delightful product. Viable is important, but if we’re going to market with something that’s not delightful, no one will get excited about it.”
via uxmastery.com
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