Title: Why Getting It Wrong Is the Future of Design
Context: Sometimes the pursuit of perfection is paved with imperfection.
Synopsis: Nobody is perfect. We are told this from the time we are children then immediately set about trying to disprove the axiom. Every time you erase a mistake you also rub out some of the good stuff that surrounds it. And sometimes when you embrace—and even concentrate on highlighting—a flaw, you manage to see beyond the weakness as the obscured perfection reveals itself simply because the blemish forced you to reassess how you viewed the whole to begin with. There is a complacency that comes with perfection that dulls critical thinking. If there are no problems, one does not need to figure out how to develop solutions. The mother of innovation is inadequacy, not perfection.
Best Bit: “It’s time to stop figuring out how to do things the right way, and start getting it wrong.”
via wired.com
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