Bear warning

Design is the never-ending search for the knowns that you know are unknown.

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Title: Only Openings
Context: Sometimes design is about bringing end to the old order and sometimes it is about adapting to it.
Synopsis: The last thing a designer wants to do is insult the intelligence of the people using his or her product. There are manners involved not unlike the ones you would use in a social engagement with another person. You don’t needlessly dumb things down for people you are having a discussion with. You wouldn’t presume to dictate someone’s position on a topic of conversation to them. You should never impose conditions on someone without their consent. You do none of these things not only out of politeness but out of respect for the other person’s individuality and the tacit admission that you don’t know enough about their thoughts, feelings, and desires to enforce conditions upon them you are confident that they would not justifiably rebel against. Yet as designers we do this all of the time. No one likes being told what to do, but if you ask them politely they will go out of their way to help you out.
Best Bit: “Some designers want to shoot the wolves, others want to manage the bears.”


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