Title: A New Car UI
Context: A touchscreen interface in your new car is indeed a very cool feature. If you can survive using it.
Synopsis: It is against the law to text while driving. Why? Because paying more attention to the UI of some input device than the act of driving itself is a great way to die. Of course this means that all of the latest car models are being released with intricate touchscreen interfaces that offer no tactile feedback whatsoever requiring even more cognitive focus than the most antiquated, old school knob and dial automobile dashboard. Rather than leveraging the natural user interface as a rich interactive canvas to expedite a user’s control over a moving car’s systems, car designers are instead using it as an opportunity to have their Photoshop mockups vomit abstract iconography and bevelled, glass controls over an in-dash display. Forget DUI, the new and greatest danger on the road today is the person DWUTCUI*
* Driving While Using Their Car’s UI
Best Bit: “So even controls for air condition and infotainment – which are commonly used while driving – now lack any tactile feedback and require the driver’s dexterity and attention when operated. Considering that distracted driving is the number one cause for car accidents, this is not a step in the right direction.”
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