Dogs and children can afford to be clever. Designers are better off being good.

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Title: Hey, Designers: Stop Trying To Be So Damned Clever
Context: There is a such a thing as being too clever. Yes, even for designers.
Synopsis: “No one’s ever done it this way before!” The exultant refrain of a (most likely) doomed designer. There is usually a pretty good reason why no one has ever done it that particular way before. Not every project requires a complete redesign of every single element from the ground up. There are design conventions for a reason. There are design patterns for a reason. Users, once familiar with a particular UI element are usually loathe to give it up for something more “clever”. This is not to say that designs shouldn’t be novel, or unique, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you should just take a bunch of existing UI elements, throw them in a blender and regurgitate whatever comes out the other end. All we need, is to show a little educated restraint. When it comes to designing usable products, a deft hand is often more effective than an unorthodox iconoclast.
Best Bit: “Always remember that the cleverness should be in the product’s concept, not in its execution.”


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