Title: How Facebook Did UX Testing For Facebook Home (With Fewer Than 60 People)
Context: It’s not the size of the usability test, it’s what you do with the data.
Synopsis: Facebook engages more users in a single second than most applications will in their whole existence. The stakes are high, and with the tremendous number of users involved the expectations and opinions are bound to be widely disparate. It must be nigh on impossible to run an effective usability review within this context and at this scale. Not so, the Facebook UX lead assigned to Home tells us in this focused interview. Using different types of data gathering methodologies simultaneously can be very effective even when the sample size is comparatively small and all test subjects have not been assembled by an external recruiter. It’s all about knowing exactly what you are trying to find out right up front and organizing your research arsenal around those requirements. Study smarter, not harder if you will.
Best Bit: “Yes, we’re designing for a billion people.”
via fastcompany.com
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