Title: How Design And User Experience Translates To The Bottom Line
Context: What have your UX designers done for you lately? How about made you a boatload of cash.
Synopsis: User experience has traditionally been the underwear gnome of the business world (non-South Park fans will need to read the article to understand the reference and re-examine their relationship to modern animated comedy). It has always been assumptively intuited that design made business sense but it has often been hard to articulate precisely how it contributed to better profit margins beyond the “customers spend for superior UX” trope. As improved metrics around the sales funnel and customer experience contribute to a less theoretical appreciation for the design-led business case the lip service has started to evolve — at least for the most commercially evolved — into tangible operational processes that use user experience as a prime driver of key decision-making. How long before the MFA equals the MBA within the confines of the boardroom? Your guess is as good as mine but this shouldn’t be looked at as a competition between art and commerce, and the sooner the realization that the sum is far superior to the value of its component parts, organizations that elevate UX design to the C-level will find that business Darwinism will take care of the rest…as well as taking care of their less enlightened competition.
Best Bit: “We designers know that design is important but we also want to be important and it is important to keep these two agendas separate.”
via forbes.com
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