Title: Apple Skeuomorphism Reconstructed In 3-D
Context: Think about the most colossal waste of time you ever engaged in when you were in college…now remember how awesome that was.
Synopsis: Ever have one of those days were you’re just not feeling it? It’s usually a Monday. It’s usually dreary and cold. It’s usually when things just don’t seem to be going your way in general. Then all of a sudden you come across something – something so fantastic, so audacious – that the gloominess is forgotten in an instant. Well today was one of those days for me until I saw a video by a bunch of college kids who decided to take the oft-derided skeumorphic look of Apple’s deprecated iOS visual design and follow it to its logical conclusion. I have no idea how long it took them. I know not how hard it was to pull off. I only know that it is magnificent in its creative selfishness. And that it made my day :-)
Best Bit: “In fact, I can’t help but wonder if some of Skew’s whimsy could make its way back into user interfaces.”
via fastcodesign.com
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