Title: Five Big UX Topics in 2012
Context: Wait! It’s still January right? We can still talk about 2012 then?!?!
Synopsis: So, now they come crawling back. Begging on hands and knees, employing us user experience practitioners to save their poorly design bacon. We’re not so superfluous now are we? Not so much eye rolling when we walk in the room now is there? Ha! I don’t think so! No, now they need us. Can’t get along without us. Treating us with respect and citing our criticality to their business success. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Who knows? We might even agree to save your business. If you continue to ask nicely…
Best Bit: “Now that the UX ‘seat at the table’ has opened up, we’ll need to be prepared to discuss the developments and business impact of our discipline at a strategic level. ”
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