Title: Infographic: Watch A Company’s Management Team Mutate Over 4 Years
Context: We’ve all most likely been re-orged at least once in our life. Did I say once? Sorry, I meant eleventy billion times…
Synopsis: Large, hulking, ossified corporate structures are impossibly inflexible. Stagnant. Inert. Lifeless. Except that they are not. At all. Almost counterintuitively, these corporate behemoths tend to behave like living organisms in reality, constantly changing, growing and repairing itself as new challenges are faced, as it grows and indeed, as it dies. It is hard to understand the symbiosis that allows such complex organisms to function on a day to day basis and while institutional prejudice projects a plodding and structured pyramid, it can actually be incredibly dynamic and organic, if not more than a little chaotic. So the next time you hear the dreaded news that you are about to be re-orged – again – don’t weep over the systemic uncertainty, instead embrace the anatomical metamorphosis as part of the healing necessary to keep any living entity robust.
Best Bit: The animation itself. Watch at full screen as the creator recommends.
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