Title: Does Brainstorming Work?
Context: No. No it does not.
Synopsis: Ah the fragile creative psyche. Gentle and soft. We must strive to protect our artistic originality at all costs lest the cruel slings and arrows of criticism damage our inspiration beyond repair for all of eternity. You don’t buy that bullshit do you? God I hope not. Creativity is not an egg that requires pampering and protection, rather it is an egg in dire need of a good cracking. It does not exist for it’s own benefit, it is but an ingredient that only finds value after some whipping and forced commingling with other thoughts – both supportive and confrontational – in order to become a useful product. So, sure, you and your co-workers could sit around floating lovely, pristine thoughts, unbesmirched by the ravages of critical examination, trading mint condition collectors items packaged in plastic and soft wadding, or, you could do something useful and push back, hardening thoughts in a forge of opprobrium and scrutiny where truly, only the strongest ideas survive.
Best Bit: “Groups that engage in…debate and dissent where they are encouraged to engage in constructive criticism, they come up with anywhere between 25-40% more ideas, and those ideas are rated as much more original.”
via youtube.com
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