Title: The Dying Art Of Design
Context: Is technology killing the craft of design or fueling a design renaissance? Depends if you are a shitty designer or not.
Synopsis: Oh technology. Why do you always bear the brunt of designs wrath whenever the topic of “craft”, “ability” or “competence” comes up? Sure you might argue that you actually have democratized design, but is that a good idea to begin with? Should we democratize medicine? Engineering? Is everyone capable of being a designer? Probably not. So what does the ubiquity of design tools being bandied about willy-nilly by anyone with access to a computer mean for the future of design? Well, in my humble opinion, design will be fine. Because even as everyone may fancy themselves a designer regardless of their level of skill or training, good design has higher margins than copy-cat, inelegant, amateur design. Sure the market for this low-brow design will always be there, but let the bottom feeders fight over this increasingly crowded space. Practice your craft as a professional and rest secure in the knowledge of where “real” design is happening.
Best Bit: “[Designers] consume a lot but bypass a deeper understanding of design. In-depth articles and case studies are the least-read articles. Over 75% of the articles that designers read are either design tutorials or inspirational lists.” Um, uh oh…
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