Title: Why Top Execs are Starting to Care About UX Design
Context: Learn from the guy who literally wrote the book on user experience.
Synopsis: Remember when user experience was just this thing that a bunch of unkempt design nerds who sat in the corner did all day as a way to make developers’ lives hell? When was that? Oh yeah, yesterday. Well today is a brand new day for us user experience professionals! Yes, because today the business world’s top executives all understand and appreciate the value that user experience brings to their organization and their customers. Isn’t it great? No more begging for attention. Never again will we have to fight for respect. The dark days of ignorance are behind us! From this day forward we shall take our place at the helm of leadership as equals. That is as soon as we update the iconography in the newest UI and finish making all of the collateral for marketing to take to the customer roadshow conference that we’re not invited to. But right after that? Then we will be right up there with the best of them. For sure.
Best Bit: “You’re starting to see the business leadership take a strong interest in having this experiential understanding drive product strategy decisions where before those decisions were purely made from a technological or operational perspective.”
via mashable.com
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