Title: 5 Lessons From The Best Interaction Designs Of 2011
Context: What did we learn about interaction design trends in 2011? Read on to find out.
Synopsis: Ah, the end of year list. What a great user experience. Reducing the complexity of 365 days of chaos into 1 simple, manageable, easily digestible, compact, ordered synopsis. In this case here’s what we learned about interaction design in 2011:… Ha! Did you think that I would ruin the surprise for you!?!? I mean a summarization of an itemized, year end list? How meta would that be? It would probably rip a hole in the universe. No, you will have to click through and read on yourself. Although I will say that one of the lessons in question is to not “buy into the hype”. So maybe you shouldn’t read it after all?
Best Bit: “…interaction design continues to gain prominence as the discipline with the greatest potential to maintain our sanity in this brave new world of distraction.”
via fastcodesign.com
David Woodfin
Hello,Thank you four nice writing. It will help me for my research on Recycle.Thanks