Choosing to not make a choice means you have chosen to choose not choosing.

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Title: Easier Is Better Than Better
Context: Multiple choice quiz: You should read this article because (A) I told you to.
Synopsis: Making decisions is actually a mentally taxing activity. The more decisions one has to make in a day the more exhausted one is at the end of it. The brain likes to be as lazy as the next organ (except maybe the heart, it’s an overachieving workaholic for sure) so whenever it can take a shortcut and avoid having to work any harder it will opt not to. Yet we sometimes think that the more choices we give our users the easier we make it on them. This is hardly the case. People, whether consciously or unconsciously, tend to avoid making choices. Besides, if we do our jobs right in the first place all the big choices should already be made correctly for them.
Best Bit: “Users assume you are giving them the settings that are best for them right off the bat. If you aren’t, then they might view your product as a failure.”


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