So you’re a user experience designer? That’s nice…So what exactly do you do again?

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Title: 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design
Context: There’s only 10?!?!
Synopsis: I once tried to explain to my parents what my job is. Suffice it to say that when they are now asked what their eldest son does for a living the simply tell people “it has something to do with computers.” Is UX really that hard to comprehend? Even people closer to the heart of the user experience sphere of influence have a hard time articulating an accurate picture of what the discipline of user experience design intrinsically is. This breezy and sometimes irreverent slide presentation addresses the confusion around the question of what user experience designers actually do, and why they do it. So the next time someone squints at you quizzically when you tell them that you are a user experience professional, remember these 10 points and you’ll have them singing the praises of UX in no time. Now, to call my parents…
Best Bit: “The biggest misconception is that companies have a choice to invest in their user’s experience. To survive, they don’t.”


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