Title: IDEO: Big Innovation Lives Right on the Edge of Ridiculous Ideas
Context: The closer the gap between work and play, the more amazing the outcomes for your business will be.
Synopsis: We don’t play enough. You can’t argue with this because it’s true. Instead we have for some reason arbitrarily decided that work is “serious” and play is “frivolous”. Why? Who made such a stupid rule? Can we throw spitballs at him while the teacher’s back is turned? C’mon, play is an incentive. You play because it is fun, hence it is more enjoyable to play than to work (unless your a workaholic then go away, this isn’t for you). So if we want people to work more and enjoy it more, logic dictates that we should make work more like play. These are facts people. But – and this is a big but – most of the people we work with do not see it this way. They are of the “play is frivolous” school of thought. Well I say we make faces at them behind their backs and do whatever it takes to spend less time working towards an endgame and more time playing games to figure out what it will look like in the end. Who’s with me?
Best Bit: “You really want to create an environment that allows for innovation. Big innovation is right on the edge of ridiculous ideas. You need an environment that isn’t quite so judgmental about a ridiculous idea.”
via the99percent.com
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