Title: Agile UX – How To Avoid Big Design Up Front By Pretending Not To Do Big Design Up Front
Context: User experience design within an Agile environment doesn’t always go according to plan. So that should be part of your plan.
Synopsis: Agile makes loads of sense for engineering development teams. Working through larger problems at an iterative level is an elegant way to increase a feature set while still being able to continuously deliver functional products within short time spans. But design doesn’t usually work that way. Design is “holistic” and “big picture” and is difficult to deconstruct into discrete blocks of deliverable ideation without knowing precisely what the end game looks like. And that’s the secret to workable Agile UX: the ability to plan and develop that big picture quickly to an acceptable degree of fidelity that gives you something to target yet does not handcuff you to a vision that eventually turns out to be off the mark. We must be prepared to trade off the comfort of knowing exactly where we are going for the excitement of what’s coming up next. After all, the point of a journey is not to arrive.
Best Bit: Defining “Done”: “If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an enhancement – let the [user] decide how important design perfection is.”
via slideshare.net
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