Title: Study Shows Kids Are Predicting the Future of Technology
Context: From the minds that brought you the runaway popularity of Justin Bieber comes the future of technology…
Synopsis: Oh kids today! Acting all ‘cool’ with their ‘groovy’ rap music and ‘OMG’ lingo. What will they think up next? Well, in order to answer that question a bunch of people actually sat down with them and asked. Specifically they asked them about what they thought the future of computers and the internet might look like. Their answers may surprise you in the sense that their answers were awesome. Kids who have never known a world without computers or the internet are able to effortlessly extrapolate future scenarios that would boggle the mind of the most techno-hip elder-geek. You may not choose to believe that children are our future, but I’m pretty sure they just proved they are.
Best Bit: “Kids today don’t neatly divide ‘online’ from ‘offline.’ For them, technology is no longer something that mediates experience, but something that pervades it.”
via prweb.com
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