Title: The 5% Creativity Challenge
Context: If you can’t spend 2 hours a week thinking about ways to be more creative at work then what’s the freaking point really?
Synopsis: Innovate! More inventive solutions! Increased creativity! We get this a lot. A. Lot. But when are you supposed to find the time come up with all this ground breaking, game changing, outside the box thinking? Who cares just do it. Well that’s a bit unfair. Creativity takes time. Inspiration comes from unexpected sources. Serendipity and hard work go hand in hand. Find the time. No, make the time. Spending a few hours honing your creative skills and searching for inspiration is worth its weight in nose-to-the-grindstone type effort. Now go forth and think!
Best Bit: “Get away from your desk to a place of inspiration such as an art museum, park, or historic landmark. Turn your phone off and your ideas on. Schedule the time, and treat it with the same importance as any other business meeting. Show up fully, and let your imagination soar.”
via fastcompany.com
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