Title: Atoms + Bits = the neue Craft, A lecture by John Maeda
Context: A whistle-stop tour of the history of art and design within digital media and what it means for our collective future curated by one of the biggest brains in the field today.
Synopsis: Adobe (the Creative Suite people) have created the world’s first museum specifically designed by real world architects for the digital space. It’s cool. But what’s really cool is this guest lecture by the former MIT Media Lab faculty member and current RISD president, John Maeda who talks about where the digital tools we all rely on today to help us do our jobs evolved from. He then discusses the need to reinvest the very primal aspect of “craft” into the output of these digital toolsets (bits) to allow us to approach the value and tangibility (atoms) of real world art and design (craft). It’s brief, anecdotal, fun and certainly enlightening.
Best Bit: “Where do you think innovation comes from? A. Math and science B. Digital technology C. Art and design” (Hint: The answer isn’t A or B)
via adobe.com
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