Title: Great Design and User Experience Is the Best Marketing
Context: If you want people to want your product, make sure it doesn’t appear to suck. Or even more importantly, make sure it doesn’t actually suck.
Synopsis: A good product – or user experience – is the best advertising. Rather than trying to get overly cute/edgy/amusing/creative with the ads designed to drive demand for a product, how about making sure the user experience of that product will be so phenomenal, so perfect, that the advertising becomes almost unnecessary. Jeff Bezos (of Amazon.com fame) has been quoted as saying: “Advertising is the price you pay for having an unremarkable product or service.” (Of course that was before he used advertising to sell the Kindle, but that’s neither here nor there.) So in a very real sense, the more time and effort (and money) you put into perfecting the user experience of the things you make, the more you should be able to save on your advertising and marketing.
Best Bit: “When you have a brand dedicated to getting the design right, sometimes that’s all the advertising they need.”
via adage.com
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