Title: Why work doesn’t happen at work
Context: Great TEDx talk by Jason Fried, co-founder of 37signals who explains why “work” the place and “work” the set of tasks we get paid to accomplish are sometimes mutually exclusive.
Synopsis: Want to know why you have a hard time getting anything accomplished at work? It’s the damn M&M’s: meetings and managers. Fortunately for you guys you have a great manager who would never needlessly interrupt your train of thought or ruin your concentration with pointless e-mails that had random, meaningless links in them.
Best Bit: Q: “Where do you really want to go when you need to get something done?.” A:”You almost never hear someone say the office, but businesses are spending all this money on this place called the office and making people go to it all the time and yet people don’t do work in the office.”
via youtube.com
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