How to tell stories and influence people.

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Title: Why Stories Work as Design Tools
Context: One of these days I’ll stop beating the storytelling drum. Today is just not that day I’m afraid.
Synopsis: Great post on the “why” of storytelling, but also with some nice tips for the “how” as well. The type of story you need to tell to explain your idea should be dictated by what you want your audience to remember at the end of the tale. Stories are, after all, vehicles for knowledge transfer and just like there are times when you ride your bike, drive your car or take an airplane, there are many different transactional modes within which information can be communicated and shared. And whether or not the example story the author tells amuses or scares the hell out of you is totally your call.
Best Bit: “[C]ognitive resonance is what makes design stories a powerful prototyping tool. People can understand complex concepts underpinning a design more easily if they’re embedded in the narrative form.”


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